What are use of Divers on Board ?

1.1 When circumstances require the use of a diver operating from ship or from alongside the ship the Master is to assume overall responsibility for the operations.

1.2 The Company will only sanction the appointment of properly qualified and authorised divers.

1.3 The use of any ship’s breathing apparatus equipment for any diving operation is strictly prohibited.

1.4 In addition to any safety precautions required by the diver, the Master must ensure that the following measures are taken before permitting any dive to commence:

  • The Port Authority / Terminal is informed and (if necessary) permission for the dive is obtained.
  • The appropriate signal flag hoist (‘A’ flag) is flown.
  • A Deck Officer is appointed to keep watch in the vicinity of the dive operation and to maintain vigilance for the close approach of other craft.
  • The Duty Engineer Officer has been alerted and is on duty in the engine room to ensure that:
  • The main engine is not turned; and
  • All discharges and intakes, which are not essential for operation, are secured.
  • ‘Lock Out / Tag Out’ system is to be utilised on critical intake systems and relevant engine controls to prevent inadvertent use.
  • The diver has been advised of the position of all discharges and intakes in the vicinity of the area of operation.
  • Direct communication by portable radio is maintained between the diver’s attendants, the supervising Deck Officer, the Deck OOW and the Duty Engineer OOW.
  • If the ship has an impressed current cathodic protection system, then this system is to be verified as being disconnected. The ‘Lock Out / Tag Out’ system is to be utilised to prevent inadvertent use.
  • The weather conditions and tidal currents and underkeel clearance are acceptable to the diver.
  • All sources of underwater sound such as echo sounders, Doppler logs etc. have been verified as switched off. The ‘Lock Out / Tag Out’ system is to be utilised to prevent inadvertent use. 

1.5 The Diving Operations Checklist shall be duly completed prior to commencement of the diving operations.

1.6 Diving operations activities shall be recorded in the Deck and Engine Room Log Books.

1.7 If the supervising Deck Officer, or any other crew member, notices any divergence from the agreed plans, or any traffic that he considers may be detrimental to diving safety or any other condition that causes concern, then he is to stop the operation immediately and report his concerns to the diving team and the Master. The operation is only to recommence once all safety problems have been resolved to the full agreement of all parties.



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