What are regulation for means of escape on ship from machinery space as per SOLAS?

According to amendments to SOLAS regulations  II-2/13.4.1 and 13.4.2  for submission to MSC 92, for ensuring effective  means   of  escape   from  engine  control  rooms  and  other   enclosed   working  spaces  located   within machinery spaces, in both cargo and passenger ships, with the aim to provide the same level of fire protection. It was agreed  that  minimum two means  of escape  shall be provided from the main workshop  within a machinery space.  At least one  of these  escape  routes  shall provide a continuous fire shelter  to a safe position outside  the machinery  space.  In addition,   improved  access  to  the  normal  exit  and  emergency   escape  routes,   with  the provision that  all inclined ladders or stairways with open  treads,  not located  within a protected enclosure,  are to be of steel and protected against heat  and flame by steel shields attached to their undersides.

However,  the   sub-committee  could  not   reach   an  agreement  on  the   query  from  IACS (FP 56/7)  on  the requirement to  insulate  the  escape  trunks  from  machinery  spaces  of category  A. Although  there  was  strong support  for providing category  4 insulation  throughout the  entire  escape  trunk,  the  Sub-committee could  not reach a unanimous agreement and therefore the Chair decided  to leave the matter  to the discretion of the Flag Administrations.

The Sub-Committee could not also reach a consensus  on the submissions from the Republic of Korea as well as People’s Republic of China which proposed to develop Unified Interpretations for SOLAS regulations  II-2/13.4.1 and  13.4.2   as  a  number   of  delegations  were  of  the  view  that  the  ladder  should  not  be  included  in  the calculation of internal dimensions of the protected enclosures,  used as means  of escape  from machinery spaces.


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