What is Recovery Process of Person from Water ?

During the recovery process itself, there will be three basic tasks to complete:

  • Bringing people to the side of the ship so that they can be recovered;
  • Getting people into the ship; and
  • Dealing with them once they are aboard.

Some information on each of the above tasks is given below. Think carefully about each of them in your planning and preparation. If you have done so, the recovery process should be easier when you have to carry it out.

  1. PREPARE your means of recovery before you arrive at the scene;
  2. PREPARE yourself and your crew before you arrives at the scene. Everyone should know their duties and stick to them as much as possible;
  3. PREPARE on-board communications, so that lookouts and the recovery team will be able to communicate readily with the Bridge team;
  4. THINK about the approach before making it:
  5. DETERMINE what will be the most significant factor in creating a lee for the casualty, wind, sea or swell;
  6. ASSESS navigational hazards on scene;
  7. DECIDE on which side you want to make the lee, bearing in mind your own ship’s manoeuvring characteristics;
  8. CONSIDER running by the casualty first, if time permits, to help you make your assessment;
  9. CONSIDER stopping well short of the casualty during the final approach, to get the way off your vessel and to assess the effects of wind, sea and swell when stopped/at slow speeds;
  10. APPROACH with the significant element (wind, sea or swell) fine on the weather bow and your recovery target fine on the lee bow; and
  11. as you come up to the craft or person in the water, TURN AWAY from the weather and stop to create the lee, with your recovery target close on your lee side;
  12. ENSURE that you have sufficient lookouts who can communicate with the bridge. Remember that during the final approach to a survival craft or a person in the water they may not be visible from the Bridge;
  13. ENSURE that the lookouts know their duties; and
  14. BE READY to receive craft and/or people alongside, with boat ropes rigged and other equipment (including safety lines and buoyant equipment) ready to hand.


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