What is Piracy Attack Report form ?


General Details
  1. Name of Ship:
  2. IMO No:
  3. Flag:
  4. Call Sign:
  5. Type of Ship:
  6. Tonnages: GRT/ NRT/ DWT:
  7. Owner’s (Address & Contact Details):
  8. Manager’s (Address & Contact Details):
  9. Last Port/Next Port:
  10. Cargo Details: (Type/Quantity)

Follow-up Report

Details of Incident
  1. Date & Time of Incident: LT UTC
  2. Position: Lat: (N/S) Long: (E/W)
  3. Nearest Land Mark/Location:
  4. Port/Town/Anchorage Area:
  5. Country/Nearest Country:
  6. Status (Berth/Anchored/Steaming):
  7. Own Ship’s Speed:
  8. Ship’s Freeboard During Attack:
  9. Weather During Attack (Rain/Fog/Mist/Clear/etc, Wind (Speed and Direction), Sea/Swell Height):
  10. Types of Attack (Boarded/Attempted):
  11. Consequences for Crew, Ship and Cargo: Any Crew Injured/Killed: Items/Cash Stolen:
  12. Area of the Ship being Attacked:
  13. Last Observed Movements of Pirates/Suspect Craft:
  14. Type of vessel (Whaler, Dhow, Fishing Vessel, Merchant Vessel)
  15. Description of vessel (Colour, Name, Distinguishing Features)
  16. Course and Speed of vessel when sighted .
Details of Raiding Party
  1. Number of Pirates/Robbers:
  2. Dress/Physical Appearance:
  3. Language Spoken:
  4. Weapons Used:
  5. Distinctive Details:
  6. Craft Used:
  7. Method of Approach:
  8. Duration of Attack:
  9. Aggressive/Violent


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