What is panama canal requirements of minimum visibility as per SOLAS ?

Panama Canal requirements of minimum visibility:

The surface of the water must be visible one ship length forward from conning positions Nos 1, 2, and 3, when the vessel is laden. If the vessel is in ballast condition, the surface of the water must be visible 1.5L forward.
Despite of these requirements, checking the ship visibility is often limited to define just two visibility lines: one according to SOLAS and another one as required by Panama Canal (for one L).

Both lines for the ship without trim and on full draught only. Any change of draught and/or trim will destroy such theoretical visibility. For this reason the master shall be provided with a detailed analysis of visibility taking into account various arrangements of deck cargo, various values of trim and draught.

All new vessels shall be provided with a Loading and Stability Manual containing a reasonable number of the Visibility Tables showing blind sectors as function of draught and trim. Another option is to provide ships with a separate Visibility Plan used as an appendix. The Visibility Plan shall be prepared as a part of As Build Drawings. It should contain the classification drawing Navigational Bridge Visibility and the Visibility Tables.

All new vessels shall be provided with a Loading and Stability Manual containing a reasonable number of the Visibility Tables showing blind sectors as function of draught and trim. Another option is to provide ships with a separate Visibility Plan used as an appendix. The Visibility Plan shall be prepared as a part of As Build Drawings. It should contain the classification drawing Navigational Bridge Visibility and the Visibility Tables.

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