What is Difference between unseaworthy and unsafe ship ?

Unseaworthy section 334
Unsafe  section 336
1 When the material which she is made and her construction and design is faulty and not as per laid down regulation. The hull and equipment is temporarily defective and the ship is unsafe for that proposed voyage.
2 Master officer crew not qualified or less than the safe manning requirement When its master, officers and crew are qualified but do not follow the safe working    practices.
3 Not having all required certificates present to prove a seaworthiness of the vsl Not maintaining the required provisions laid down in certificates can make the ship unsafe  during the voyage.
4 Machinery or equipment reqd as per any regulation is missing  Machinery or equipment is not working or  maintenance schedule not being followed
5 Machinery or equipment not able to perform its duties  Machinery or equipment wrongly operated by its crew
6 Wrong weight description and stowage of cargo and ballast Wrong procedures of ballasting, deballasting or negligence in stowage of cargo
7 An unseaworthy ship poses serious threat to human life. An unsafe ship does not pose serious threat to human life
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