Checklist for MARPOL  73/78   annex 1  survey ?

Part 1 – All Ships

AA. General – All Ship Types

AA.1 Have any alterations been made or any new equipment installed?

AA.2 Are all other Statutory Certificates and Classification Certificates valid?

BB Documentation – All Ship Types

BB.1 Are type approval certificates onboard for the following:-

BB.1.1 Oil filtering equipment (15 ppm equipment).

BB.1.2 Oil content meter (15 ppm alarm).

BB.1.3 Process units (ancillary unit attached to 100 ppm equipment to convert it to 15 ppm equipment)

BB.2 Is Part I of the Oil Record Book onboard and have appropriate and regular entries been made?

BB.3 Is there an approved Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan or a Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan on board? Approval date CC

Documentation – Oil Tankers

CC.1 Are type approval certificates onboard for the following:-

CC 1.2 Oil Discharge Monitoring and Control System

CC.1.3 Oil/water interface detector(s).

CC.2 Is there evidence that the survey of the inert gas system has been carried out?

CC.3 Are copies of the following approved manuals onboard:-

CC.3.1 Oil Discharge Monitoring and Control System Operations (ODME)

Manual Approval date

CC.3.2 Crude Oil Washing Operations and Equipment (COW) Manual Approval date

CC.3.3 Loading and Stability Information Approval date

CC.3.4 Dedicated Clean Ballast Tank (DCBT) Manual Approval date

CC.3.5 Hydrostatic Balanced Loading Manual Approval date

CC.3.6 Operational procedures for special ballast arrangements Approval date

CC.4 Are records (print outs) of the Oil Discharge Monitoring and Control System operations onboard?

CC.5 Is Part II of the Oil Record Book onboard and have appropriate and regular entries been made?

CC.6 Are the Condition Assessment Scheme (CAS) documentation and survey reports onboard?

Is the CAS Statement of Compliance on board?

For tankers subject to the Condition Assessment Scheme is an approved CAS document onboard

CC.7 If oil like substances are carried, is a list of approved substances attached to the FORM B?

CC.7.1 Is the ODME system approved for monitoring the oil like substances listed?

CC.7.2 If category C substances are listed, is the damage stability manual approved to regulation 25 or type 3 chemical tanker?

DD Survey of the Condition of the Ship and its Equipment all Ship Types

DD.1 Are the following in a satisfactory condition, free from obvious damage or defects including pumps, pipes fittings and tested as operating satisfactorily:-

DD.1.1 Oil filtering equipment (15 ppm equipment).

DD.1.2 Oil content meter (15 ppm alarm)

DD.1.3 Automatic stopping device.

DD.2 Is the fuel oil and water ballast system segregated?

DD.3 Is the sludge tank(s) capacity sufficient and is the only connection overboard via the standard discharge connection?

DD.4 Is a standard discharge connection provided?

DD.5 Are means of sludge control such as homogenisers and sludge incinerators in a satisfactory condition, free from obvious damage or defects including pumps, pipes fittings and operating satisfactorily?

EE Survey of the Condition of the Ship and its Equipment Tankers

Pumping and Piping

EE.1 Is the arrangement of slop tanks and associated piping systems satisfactory?

EE.2 Are the piping systems for discharge of dirty ballast water or oil contaminated water satisfactory?

EE.3 Is the means of communication between the overboard observation point and cargo control station operational?

Oil Water Interface Detector

EE.4 Is the oil/water interface detector(s) in satisfactory condition and operating correctly? *

Double Hull

EE.5 Are the arrangements for compliance with regulation 13F as approved and satisfactory?

EE.6 Are the arrangements for compliance with regulation 13G as approved and satisfactory?

EE.6.1 Is the phase out date correctly stated on the FORM B

Oil Discharge Monitoring and Control System (see note 1)

EE.7 Was the system examined for obvious defects, deterioration or damage and absence of leaks?

EE.7.1 Was the operation of the system confirmed including the oil content meter by ensuring the operation of:-

EE.7.2 Automatic and/or manual means to stop the discharge overboard, starting interlock, manual override


EE.7.3 Audible and visual alarms, system reset to normal after alarm condition EE.7.4 Recording device and confirm there are adequate consumables for the recording device

EE.7.5 Pumps, valves, flow meters, flushing arrangements, and sampling probes

EE.7.6 Was it confirmed from onboard records that the meter has been calibrated in accordance with the manufacturers instructions?

Segregated Ballast Tanks- SBT

EE.8 Confirm there are no cross connection between the cargo and segregated ballast tank systems?

EE.8.1 Is the spool piece for the emergency discharge of segregated ballast fitted with non-return valves, mounted in a conspicuous position and a permanent notice restricting its use displayed?

EE.8.2 Are the segregated ballast tanks free from contamination by oil?

EE.8.3 Are the ballast pipelines passing through cargo tanks and vice versa free from any sign of leakage?

EE.8.4 Are the valves/closing devices in the cargo system (required to be closed at sea) installed and operational?

Crude Oil Washing – COW

EE.9 Are the COW arrangements, in accordance with the approved COW manual?

EE.9.1 Was the COW piping examined for obvious defects, deterioration, damage and absence of leaks?

EE.9.2 Are the anchoring arrangements for the COW supply lines intact and secure?

EE.9.3 Can steam heaters be isolated by double valves or blanked and are the valves operable?

EE.9.4 Is the means of communication between deck watch keeper and cargo control operational?

EE.9.5 Are the correct number of portable drive units are onboard?

EE.9.6 Are the means of draining cargo pumps, lines, and stripping device to the slop or cargo tanks or ashore satisfactory?

EE.9.7 Is the overpressure relief device for the pumps supplying the crude oil washing system operational?

EE.9.8 Has, the effectiveness of the COW system and stripping system verified by:-

EE.9.8.1 Checking that the COW machines, stripping system and monitoring equipment are operational *

EE.9.8.2 Hand dipping tanks on completion of COW

EE.9.8.3 Inspecting tanks containing departure and/or arrival ballast for signs of oil *

EE.9.9 Are flexible supply hoses for COW supply approved, properly stored and in good condition? (OBO only)

EE.9.10 Examine at least two cargo tanks internally to verify the effectiveness of the COW.

EE.9.11 Confirm that the COW system remains effective and internal equipment and arrangements are satisfactory?

EE.9.12 Was a pressure test of the crude oil washing system to at least the working pressure carried out?

EE.9.13 Has an ‘oil on top test’ been carried out in the departure ballast tanks and heavy weather ballast tanks?

EE.9.14 Have the steam heater isolating valves been internally inspected?

Dedicated Clean Ballast Tanks –

EE.10 Are the DCBT arrangements, in accordance with the approved DCBT Manual and if applicable the COW manual and remain in a satisfactory condition?

EE.10.1 Are the dedicated clean ballast tanks free from contamination by oil?

EE.10.2 Are the inert gas and/or common vent lines blanked from the DCB tanks and alternative venting arrangements operational and in a satisfactory condition?

EE.10.3 Are fixed tank washing machines blanked and the pipelines on deck adequately supported?

EE.10.4 For common systems, is there two-valve separation between the DCBT system and cargo system?

EE.10.5 For separate and independent systems, is there two valves or a single blank separating the ballast and cargo systems?

EE.10.6 Are ballast pipelines passing through cargo tanks and vice versa free from any sign of leakage?

Part Flow

EE.11 Is the part flow system (if fitted) as described in the ODME Manual and examined for obvious defects?

EE.11.1 Was the communication system between the observation and discharge control positions tested?

EE.11.2 Was a functional test carried out including the sampling probe(s), sample water piping system, sample feed pump(s), display arrangement, sample discharge arrangement and where fitted flushing arrangements?


EE.12 For tankers with special ballast arrangements are there approved operational procedures on board and are the arrangements satisfactory?

Part 3 – Initial Surveys

DD. Initial Survey Plan Approval

All Ship Types

FF.1 Have the following plans/calculations been examined and approved?

FF 1.1 Installation of the oily-water filtering equipment, 15ppm alarm system and automatic stop device (Reg 15)

FF 1.2 Segregation of fuel/lub oil and ballast systems and location of fuel oil tanks (Reg 14)

FF.1.3 Sludge tank capacity (Reg 17)

FF.1.4 Discharge piping arrangements including standard discharge pipe (Reg 17)

FF.1.5 Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan or Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan


FF.2 Have the plans/calculations for the following been examined and approved?

FF.2.1 The capacity of SBT (Reg. 13)

FF.2.2 Minimum draft and trim requirements (Reg. 13(2))

FF.2.3 Arrangements of the COW system (Reg. 13B)

FF.2.4 Shadow area diagrams (Reg. 13B)

FF.2.5 Crude Oil Washing Operations and Equipment Manual (Reg.13B)

FF.2.6 Has the Crude Oil Washing System Initial Survey checklist been completed?

FF.2.7 SBT arrangements (Reg. 13)

FF.2.8 Slop tanks arrangements (Reg. 15(2))

FF.2.9 Oil Discharge Monitoring and Control System (Reg. 15(3)(a))

FF.2.10 Oil Discharge Monitoring and Control System Operations Manual (Reg. 15(3)(c))

FF.2.11 Pumping, piping and discharge arrangements (Reg. 18)

FF.2.12 Size and arrangement of cargo tanks (Reg. 24)

FF.2.13 Subdivision and stability and loading and stability information (Reg. 25

FF.2.14 Design and construction for the prevention of pollution in the event of collision or stranding (Reg. 13F)


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